Dormakaba Access Manager

CathexisVision Integration


Access Manager 92 00 makes it possible to control and monitor all access control functions for doors and interlocks. Up to two registration units can be connected directly to the 92 00 access controller and further access readers via the RS-485 sub-bus.

Video /Data Association: Yes
Event Control: Yes
Database Search: Yes
Interactive and Map Control: Yes
CathexisVision Version: CatVision 2023 Service Pack 1 and later
  • CDKB3000 — Dormakaba access control bundle which includes the Dormakaba access manager devices and unlimited doors.
Dormakaba Software Name: Kaba Exos 9300
Dormakaba Software Version: 4.2.1304
Cathexis Documentation  
This download consists of the following files:


Dormakaba Access Control Integration App-note

Dormakaba Access Control Integration App-note.pdfСкачать


Dormakaba Access Control Integration whitepaper

Dormakaba Access Control Integration White Paper.pdfСкачать



Cathexis Integrations