Ziton ZP3

CathexisVision Integration

Control panels are available in 1, 2, and 4 loop sizes, accommodating up to 508 sensing addresses. For larger systems, panels can be networked together to form installations capable of controlling over 50,000 devices from 100 control panels. Up to 127 line devices (sensors, callpoints, sounders or interface units) can be connected to each of the control panel loops.
Video /Data Association: Yes
Event Control: Yes
Database Search: Yes
Interactive and Map Control: Yes
CathexisVision Version:  2015 SP3 and later
 License:  CFPL-2000 – Fire Panel Device

    • Unable to connect the panel using an ESP1204, because it does not support hardware flow control.
    • Can be connected to port 1 of an ESP3102 from CathexisVision 2016 SP3 and later.


    Software 71910 vers 3.10 (053)
    Periphral boards SW version

    • Display (Local) SW 72101 ver 3.00
    • Line Driver SW 72001 ver 3.05


Ziton ZP3 Fire Alarm Panel Integration Guide

Ziton ZP3 Fire Alarm Panel Integration Document.pdfDownload


Cathexis Integrations