Impro IXP-20

CathexisVision Integration


The IXP20 Controller, built on either an Impro iTT or iTRT Door Controller platform, allows connection of 2 Readers direct to the Controller. The System is expandable to up to 4 Doors in Anti-passback (APB) Mode or 8 Doors without APB. The IXP20 system can be upgraded with a firmware change, enabling it to be used in larger IXP systems.

Video /Data Association: Yes
Event Control: Yes
Database Search: Yes
Interactive and Map Control: No
Transaction Video Overlays: Yes (CathexisVision 2016 Service Pack 3 and CathexisVision 2017 Service Pack 2)
CathexisVision Version: CatVision 2014 Service Pack 1 and later
License: CIXP-1000
Cathexis Documentation  

Impro IXP20 Integration Guide

Impro IXP20.pdfDownload


Cathexis Integrations