
The integration of Tecnoalarm’s state-of-the-art alarm systems with CathexisVision’s video management software ensures a powerful and unified security solution. CathexisVision’s ability to receive and process alarms from Tecnoalarm allows operators to automatically view video feeds triggered by alarm events. This combination enhances situational awareness and response times, offering seamless control of both video monitoring and alarm systems. Ideal for sectors such as residential estates, commercial properties, and critical infrastructure, this integration provides reliable alarm verification, automatic camera switching, and enhanced control room efficiency​​​.


TecnoAlarm alarm panel TecnoAlarm alarm panel
TecnoAlarm Panel Integration White Paper.pdfDownload
TecnoAlarm Panel Integration App-note.pdfDownload


ImageIntegrationTypeCathexisVision Version
Tecnoalarm alarm panels
2018 SP2
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