Glossary of terms
Term | Meaning |
Alarm Management Gateway | Centralised alarm management interface, offering alarm logs and comprehensive reporting abilities for large site installations across single or multiple sites, whether local or remote. |
API/SDK | Application Programming Interface/Software Development Kit. |
Archive Player | CathexisVision in-house/external application for playing archives created in/exported from CathexisVision. |
Archiving | Archiving is a facility to enable you to select recordings and copy them to archiving media, such as USB key, hard drive, or CD/DVD. Unlike normal recordings, archived recordings retain their authenticity, and can be verified as authentic
(unaltered) on replay, making them suitable for use in courts of law. Note: Unlike other systems, CathexisVision does not use archiving and recording interchangeably. |
Base station | Principally, the station receiving recorded content from a “capture” station and/or connecting to the capture station in response to alarm stimuli. |
Client | Any CathexisVision platform which can connect to and view the server. This includes CathexisVision desktop Client, CathexisVision mobile client (CatMobile), and CathexisVision web interface client. |
Event Action | An automated action that the system takes in response to a trigger. |
Event Recording | Uses storage space efficiently by recording only the event of interest. |
FPS | Frames Per Second. |
GOP | Groups of Pictures: In a motion sequence, GOPs are individual frames of pictures grouped together and played back, delineated by key frames |
H.264/H.265 | Types of video compression standards. |
I/O | Input/output. |
P-Frame | Prediction frame subsequent to a keyframe, which uses the keyframe as a reference point to determine what has changed in the picture. |
JPEG | Image compression format. |
Keyframe | A keyframe or I-Frame is a full image capture used as a reference for subsequent frames in H.264/H.265 compression. (often used interchangeably) |
LPR/ANPR | License Plate Recognition/Automatic Number Plate Recognition. |
Master/Slave | A Master server regulates the settings of other attached servers (slaves) on a site. |
MJPEG | Motion JPEG: A sequence of JPEG frames that play back as video. |
MPEG-4 | A method of defining compression of audio and visual digital data. |
NVR | Network Video Recorder. This term is used interchangeably with Server, above. |
ONVIF | Open Network Video Interface Forum. |
PoS | Point of Sale. |
Pre-Event Recording | A mechanism to ‘go back in time’ to capture recordings that happened before an event trigger was received. |
PTZ | Pan-Tilt-Zoom (in reference to cameras with this capability). |
Recording | Live video which has been databased in the system and made available for review. |
Server | Refers to unit on which the CathexisVision Server software is running, and encompasses all CathexisVision Server software processes such as recording, archiving, databasing, video analytics, etc. |
Sherlock | A facility by means of which a user can save the configuration and audit trails of a system onto removable media, with the purpose of supplying tat data to a support desk for diagnostics. |
Site | A geographical location that may be served by multiple VMS units. |
TCP/UDP | Types of internet protocol (IP) traffic: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). |
Video Wall | Monitor/s dedicated solely to displaying video feeds. |
VMD | Video Motion Detection. |
VMS | Video management software. |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
Object Classifiers | Identifying objects in a camera scene using AI. |