
CathexisVision’s integration with Matrix Cosec offers a comprehensive solution by combining Matrix Cosec’s advanced access control systems with CathexisVision’s powerful video management platform. This integration enables operators to monitor access events alongside live video streams, ensuring quick verification and response to security incidents. Automated actions such as door control and camera switching streamline security operations, enhancing situational awareness and control.


Customizable Event Responses
Automated Actions:
Unique actions can be triggered by specific access control events, such as:
Recording or controlling cameras
Sending event notifications to control rooms
Sending email or SMS alerts
Playing audio clips for alarms
Controlling doors (e.g., lock, unlock, normalizing doors)
Smart Event Management:
The integration supports actions triggered by system events like door forced open, unauthorized entry, and disconnected devices.
Events can be grouped and organized for simplified management
Advanced Event Management and Search
Meta-Database and Advanced Filtering:
All access control events, including door status (open, closed, forced), user access (allowed or denied), and system events, are stored in a searchable meta-database. Operators can use advanced filters to search and retrieve data about personnel movement and corresponding video footage
System and Alarm Management:
The system also logs panic alarms, tamper alarms, power status, and system changes, providing a comprehensive view of the security environment​
Time and Attendance Integration
Time and Attendance Monitoring:
Matrix COSEC offers advanced time and attendance features, tracking personnel movement with detailed logs of entry and exit events. This provides organizations with enhanced operational efficiency by ensuring that people are where they are supposed to be​


Matrix COSEC access control Matrix COSEC access control
Matrix Cosec White Paper.pdfDownload
Matrix COSEC Access Control Integration App-note.pdfDownload
CathexisVision Matrix COSEC brochure.pdfDownload


ImageIntegrationTypeCathexisVision Version
Matrix Cosec
2021 SP2
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